اسان جي ويب سائيٽن تي ڀليڪار!


اسان جي باري ۾

ڪمپني جو پروفائيل

    فيڪٽري جو دورو (15)

In recent years, our company has cutting press the development of innovation in science and technology, and has set up the system of completing products development, production and assembly, measurement and distribution, service and maintenance. اسان ٽيڪنالاجي جي تبديلي جي سيڙپڪاري کي وڌايو آهي، ۽ مارڪيٽ جي مطالعي جي شين جي ترقي کي تيز ڪيو آهي. QIANGCHENG(Huaying) Brand shoe-making machinery has formed more than 30 kinds of products and 8 series, such as blanking, chip-cutting, upper-making, compounding, stitching, finalizing the design, cutting tool, and assembly line, which has gained deeply favor from users.




Ningyan First Grade Highway crosses through the gate of our company, which is about 50 meters distance between them, only 3 kilometers from the west to Anfeng entrance and exit of Ningyan Highway, and only 20 kilometers from the east No. 204 National Highway, Xichang ريلوي ۽ ٽونگو ندي.

ڪم جي عمل ۾ ميڪانياتي سوئنگ بازو ڪٽڻ واري مشين ۾ ڇا مسئلو ٿي سگهي ٿو؟ Mechanical swing arm cutting machine in the daily production process can not be no problems, for general faults and abnormal problems we how to...